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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Rational ClearCase Concepts

IBM Rational ClearCase is a software tool for revision control (configuration management, SCM etc) of source code and other software development assets.

The ClearCase source code repository is identified as a versioned object base or VOB for short. A VOB contains all the data and metadata associated with a particular software project. A project can make use of several VOBs, a single VOB or multiple projects can share a VOB.
View allows you to access files and directories under Rational ClearCase control.

Types of Views
Snapshot views
Snapshot views stores a copy of the VOB data locally on the user's computer. Snapshot views can be used while disconnected from the network and later resynchronized to the VOB when a connection is reestablished.
Dynamic Views
A dynmaic view uses the Multiversion File System (MVFS) to provide immediate, transparent access to data stored in VOBs. When you work in a dynamic view, you do not need to copy data from VOBs to your view; you see the latest versions of elements in real time.
If new data is created in a ClearCase view then ClearCase will refer to the new data (files, directories, ...) as view-private to indicate it is specific to the view being used and not being version controlled (private) by ClearCase. This allows build systems to operate on the same file system structure as the source code, and ensures that each developer can build independently of each other. A view-private object can be added to source control and become a versioned element at any time, making it visible to other users.

Configuration Specifications

Configuration specification, commonly referred to as a config spec is a collection of rules that specifies what elements (files or directories) should be visible in a view, and which versions of these elements. When deciding which version, if any, of an element should be visible, ClearCase traverses the configuration specification line-by-line from top to bottom, stopping when a match is found. Earlier rules take priority over later ones. A configuration specification can also reference other configuration specifications using the 'include' statement.

View Creation
Steps for creation of new view

Go to Start >Programs > IBM Rational > IBM Rational Clearcase > Create View

Select the Snapshot view
Window for selecting the type of View.

Provide the location where the view needs to be created.

On clicking Finish, the confirm dialog box opens.

Inserting the config spec to the created view.

Click the Inspect Config Spec and then the Edit button to paste the required Config Spec. Config spec contains the rules which define the VOBs which are required to be imported from the repository. Click Finish and the new View is created in the location specified.

View Details button displays the details of View.

After the view is created a window opens to save the results.

Check in and Check out files

Check Out

To modify a file or folder that is under Rational ClearCase source control, right-click the element and click Check Out or click the ClearCase Check Out icon. You can then edit file elements, or add and delete file elements and symbolic links in directory elements.

Check In

To create a new version of a file or folder element that you previously checked out, right-click the file or folder and click Check In or click the ClearCase Check In icon.
By default, ClearCase does not check in files that have not changed. To change this behavior, click Advanced and select the Checkin even if identical option in the ClearCase - Checkin dialog box. This option is available only in ClearCase version 2002.05.00 or later. This option is off by default.

History Browser

ClearCase stores event records for any change to the VOB itself or to an object in a VOB. The History Browser is a graphical user interface for viewing these event records .This helps in keeping track of who has made what changes.


Compare Versions
ClearCase Diff Merge enables you to compare 2 or more files, directories, or versions, graphically representing the differences between them.